Gender: | Male |
Race: | Miqo'te, Seekers of the Sun |
Age: | 33 Years Old |
Jobs: | Shinobi, Adventurer |
Combat Jobs: | Ninja, Gunbreaker |
Non-Combat Skills: | Culinarian |
Alignment: | Neutral Good |
Home World: | Dynamis, Marilith |
Moon Magic: | Practitioner |

-Physical Features-
Hair: Black with Dark orange highlightsEyes: Heterochromia -> Left - Red / Right - OrangeSkin Tone: Cream skinBody Type: MasculineSexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)Status: In an intimate relationship with M'niho Tyata.Height: 5.68 fulm (173 cm)Weight: 160 ponze (72.6 kg)Special Features: A scar under his left eye. Received during his training days in Shinobi-no-Sato.Clothing: His clothing varies day by day. He will wear clothes fitting for the task. i.e. Casual clothes on rest days, Comfy adventurer's clothing on travels, and special amors/clothes for combat.
Andrew loves to go on adventure requests that require some travelling or monster hunting. After hunting those monsters, he'll make camp and cook whatever he thinks might be delicious with the meat. He is rarely ever seen without his companions, Natsu and Scuderia. They like to wander the cities, and take in the atmosphere on his days off. Due to his shinobi background, he has a tendency to be fleet-footed which can scare people and rub them the wrong way. Following the good nature of his parents, Andrew tends to put righteousness high in his decisions. Despite the clandestine nature of his shinobi missions, which tend to make his missions more complicated than needed, but still gets the job done.Likes: Niho, Natsu, Scuderia, Alcohol (especially fresh tap poured Beer), Creature meat cuisines, Region unique cuisines, Street Stall foods.Dislikes: Not having Natsu and Scuderia Around, Excessive cruelty, Injustice, Creature's that don't have edible meatHobbies: Cooking, Hunting, Travelling, Going on long rides on his bike/Chocobo/mountCharacter Traits: Adventurous, Compassionate, Excitable, Introvert, Extroverted when talking about culinary, Passionate, Charming, Affectionate, Righteous
Andrew's Lifelong Friends
Name: NatsuSpecies: Lesser Red PandaCategorization: Summoned FamiliarColor: Orange, White & BlackFirst met: In Shinobi-no-Sato, when Andrew summoned him at the age of 11.Favorite Foods: Bamboo roots from Othard/Shishu, Cooked monster meat made by AndrewDiet: Bamboo roots, Vegetables, fruits, nuts, Monster meat.

Name: ScuderiaSpecies: ChocoboCategorization: Mount CompanionColor: Sunset OrangeFirst met: In Limsa Lominsa, when Andrew purchased him from the Chocobo keep.Favorite Foods: Gyashl Greens, Cooked monster meat made by AndrewDiet: Greens, Vegetables, insects, Monster meat.Barding: Head - Samurai // Body - Suzaku // Feet - Hades

-Backstory (Full)-
((This is a full backstory of Andrew Springfield. The story is quite long, so if you like to read, please enjoy his story. If you'd like a quick breakdown, click the TLDR link below))
Andrew was raised in Doma, however, was born on the traveled paths of Aldenard. His birth parents were mercenaries whose names are long forgotten. What he does know of his parents are that they were Miqo'te mercenaries of the Darklight Raiders. Born to them in their travels, he was on the road with them until they met their end, in the purge of Cutter's Cry (Sixth Astral Era 1544).There was a Midlander couple, who were just ready to join the Darklight Raiders. However due to their lack of achievements at the time, they were tasked to watch the camp as the main force raided Cutter's Cry. Due to the mercenary group's confidence, expecting to return swiftly, left Andrew in the care of this Midlander couple. However in turn to a series of unfortunate events, the couple had waited, only to see one of the mercenaries run off in fear. The mercenary screaming about the fear and deaths. After waiting 2 moons, dreading the worst, they took the Baby Miqo'te, barely a year, in as their own. Being freshly joined mercenaries, they knew nothing of the baby; his origins, his name, the name of his birth parents. The couple would still come to love the child as their own.Leaving it all behind, and wanting to fulfill their own dream of traveling afar. The couple had left Aldenard and they had traveled to Doma where they would raise Andrew. The mother, Arika Anarchia Entheofushia, was a trained Rogue. The father, Nagi Springfield, was trained under the teachings of the Gladiator. They both named the baby Miqo'te, Andrew Springfield. Taking the first letters of the mother's names and bestowing Andrew his forename, and taking on his father's surname. Arika and Nagi had never shied from hiding Andrew's origin, constantly revelling him in the epic stories they heard of the Darklight Raiders. Wanting to follow in the footsteps of both his adoptive and birth parents, Andrew at the age of 5, had asked his parents to be taught how to fight.During the year of Andrew’s 8th nameday, the Garleans had seized Doma. Nagi had joined the secret Doman Liberation Front to assist in the efforts to free Doma from Garlean control. He believed that for Andrew and Arika to have a peaceful life, he needed to make an effort. Arika stayed at home in Doma to raise Andrew. This is where Andrew had learned the skills of the rogue, learning how to wield dual daggers in combat. And in their off times, Andrew would learn to cook from Arika, eventually honing his skills to become a great cook. Nagi would come back from his battles to see his son learning the skills of his wife, jealous of this, he would also train Andrew in the path of the sword. By the age of 10, Andrew had begun to show skills and talent in combat. Perhaps due to the blood of his mercenary birth parents and the training of his adoptive parents, he learned quickly.""In the midst of one of his missions, Nagi had managed to save Deputy Viceroy Kaien from an assured death by bandits. For the freedom of Eorzea from Garlean control, Viceroy Kaien was an important being. Nagi hated the thought of leaving Arika and Andrew behind, but as a member of the resistance even if Nagi had to lose his own life in the process, he had simply done what was needed. Despite this, the Viceroy had deemed Nagi deserving of a reward. He had already had everything he needed; his loving family and his work in the resistance which he was proud of, he initially couldn't think of anything. Then in the Viceroy's audience hall, Nagi had spotted a glimpse of the rumored shinobis who protect the Viceroy, who protect him from the shadows. Then it dawned on Nagi, instead of a reward for himself, he asked the Viceroy to allow his son Andrew to be trained in the ways of the shinobi. The viceroy, understanding the gravity of the request, but still wanting to reward the soldier, had asked for some time to ponder the decision."" This is the story that Andrew and Arika heard about from Nagi on his return one day. Andrew's father did love to embellish his stories for his family, leading the two wave it off at first.Several moons following, to their surprise, Nagi's recent story were to be true. Andrew and his family were summoned to Doman Castle. Proceeding to the audience hall the door closed behind them, leaving only the family, the Viceroy, and the shinobi guard. Interested in the family dynamic, the Viceroy was told of how our family came to be. He then told them next about the connection between the Rijin Clan and the rumored shinobi Sasuke, and the secrecy of the village. Forewarning the family of the dangers that would come from this secret, and that Andrew would be separated from the family during their training, with no way for contact. He asked once again, if they still wished to proceed with the reward bestowal. Arika was hesitant at first but finally agreed with Nagi, allowing Andrew to be trained. As a child, Andrew did not want to separate from his family, but through convincing of both his parents, he also reluctantly agreed. They set back home to prepare Andrew for his journey.Not two days later, a shinobi had come to them to take Andrew to their village. After allowing one last goodbye, he blindfolded Andrew and spirited him away to Shinobi-no-Sato. Where Andrew would train in the art of ninjutsu. Andrew would long for his parents during the days of his training, but pushed himself to his limits. After hearing how his father had saved the Viceroy, although not believing him at first, he wanted to be like him. One day being able to accomplish a feat like that. With the training he received from his mother behind him, and his sensitive attunement to the Aether, he began his shinobi journey.During his time training, Andrew was ostracized as an outcast. All stemming from: Andrew apparently being favored by the Viceroy, not being an original member of the clan, and for being a Miqo'te. As there weren't any at the time in the village. Lonely, Andrew would go to research on his own, the mudra for summoning. Eventually finding the workings behind it, one night, Andrew set off to the mountain. There, using as much Aether in his body and drawing everything he could handle from the surrounding, formed the mudra's to summon a familiar. Unknowingly using the three Mudras, without understanding its level of difficulty. With all that he had done, Andrew had collapsed into slumber from the recoil of his actions. He slept for what could have been an entire day, to be woken up by his familiar licking at his face. Andrew had summoned a Lesser Red Panda, which containing his own Aether, had become his exclusive familiar. Now Andrew can summon his Red Panda, Natsu, with minimal Aether. Natsu would become his lifelong friend. Due to its method of summoning, and Andrew's inexperience with ninjutsu. Natsu was a mere companion familiar with no capabilities, akin to a small baby animal. Together with the companionship of Natsu, Andrew was able to freely focus on his training, spending time with him and venting when needed. In his stay Andrew was allowed to occasionally send missives to his family, where he would inform them of his well being for their comfort of mind.Andrew absorbed all the teachings of the shinobi, and with his capability to manipulate the Aether, soon learned ninjutsu techniques as well. During his 15 years there, he rose up the rank; Chunin -> Genin -> Jonin. Upon reaching the Jonin rank, Andrew was rewarded a past Ninja's soul crystal. Now he would officially be considered a Ninja. With his training complete, Andrew was finally allowed to leave the village and become a Shinobi for the Doman Resistance. Alongside Natsu, Andrew rushed out of the Yanxian Mountains and reunited with his family. Just as he was about to knock on their door, he could hear them inside, their voices bringing tears to his eyes. How long has it been since he heard his parents' voices, felt their warmth. His thoughts racing, what if they didn't recognize him? In the midst of his thoughts, the door opened and there stood his mother, Arika. Jumping at him, he caught her and felt her embrace. His father ran to the door embracing the both of them together. Andrew couldn't help but cry. Together they shared all the stories about their last 15 years. Andrew would spend the next 8 years working as a shinobi for the resistance. He accomplished many great tasks, however as a shadow, not many would come to know him. All but one would know of his feats, the viceroy.The viceroy, impressed by the strengths and accomplishments Andrew has achieved since they last met, summoned him. Andrew had come back to Doma for an audience with the Viceroy, in which he would send Andrew on a mission. The mission was to seek out the adventurer who supposedly had taken down Gaius Van Baelsar in Aldenard. Unsure if this adventurer would help Doma, the viceroy had hoped to at least learn of his identity. Although hating to have to leave Doma, he accepted the Viceroy's mission. Saying his short farewells to his parents, they were saddened by his departure. Reassuring them that it was not the same as before, he packed his belongings and left for his mission. Taking sail on a passenger ship, Andrew alongside Natsu would travel to Limsa Lominsa.His arrival to Limsa Lominsa would mark the start of his mission. It would not be till much later that Andrew learns of the fall of Doma Castle and the death of the Viceroy. To be able to access a variety of hubs, and take on requests for a source of money, Andrew would apply to be an adventurer. However, due to the uniqueness and rarity of his Ninja techniques, Andrew falls back to simply combatting using the techniques taught by his parents, favoring the sword in ninjutsu-less combat. His mission led him all over Aldenard, where he finally learned the identity of the adventurer in question, the Warrior of Light.All Andrew could do was follow the trails left by the WoL, this adventurer moved quick and his feats grand. As the WoL had wandered all throughout Aldenard, travel started to become difficult. This led to Andrew meeting his next companion, Scuderia. A loyal chocobo he received from the local keeper. Although rocky at first, as Andrew had not ridden chocobos often. Natsu and Scuderia had instantly bonded, perhaps due to their shared orange color. During one of their camps, a drake had gotten close by. Creeping towards Scuderia, as he was pegged to the ground. A snap had awoken Andrew, the drake had snapped a twig as he jumped at Scuderia, maw wide open. Andrew immediately took out his daggers and jumped at the drake slaying it. However a sneakier drake had been creeping towards Andrew from behind. Without warning the 2nd drake and jumped at Andrew. Initially slow to react, Andrew put up his arm in guard ready to lose it. When Scuderia had clawed the drake and pinned it down. Taking that moment, Andrew slew the 2nd drake. Having saved each other, they would soon find each other as inseparable companions.Andrew had only ever used his ninjutsu in dire situations, hoping to keep his identity as a Ninja hidden. Hoping to enhance his swordplay skill, he had been seeking out someone to teach him further, the way of the sword. During his travels he met a Hrothgar Gunbreaker of the Bozja region, Rostik. Spotting the Gunbreaker's style of combat had intrigued Andrew, a style of sword that recharges ammunition using their Aether, to combine that swordplay with projectiles. Being the perfect combat job to supplement his hidden ninjutsu techniques, Andrew sought out Rostik to request training in the Job of Gunbreaker. They traveled together for a spell; Rostik looking for his friend Radoban, Andrew looking for more information on the WoL. During their travels, Rostik would teach Andrew the ways of the Gunbreaker. With Andrew's previous training, the job came easily. Using the sword style taught by his father, and with the ability to manipulate his Aether as he did with his Jin Mudra, Andrew had come to excel as a Gunbreaker. Rostik and Andrew's path would eventually separate as their trails flowed in different directions. Rostik, pleased with Andrew's progression as a Gunbreaker, and his nature as a mentor, provided Andrew with the Gunbreaker Soul crystal.Equipped with the New job, Andrew continues to follow the path of the WoL. He would soon find him after their conquest in Azys Lla and their fight against the corruption of Ishgard.Now reaching his mission, he continues to watch and follow the WoL. Their conquest; back home in Doma and Hingashi, the Final Days. Now the world is somewhat at peace. Andrew passes his days by; taking on requests as an Adventurer, enjoying the days with Natsu & Scuderia ………. Continuing to support the Scions from the shadows.
-Backstory (TLDR)-
((This is the TLDR backstory of Andrew Springfield. If you are interested in his story and would like to read it. Click the Full link below))
Andrew was born to a Mercenary Miqo’te couple who died in Cutter’s Cry. He was taken in by 2 brand new mercenaries to the group, a Hyur Midlander couple.
They Travel to Doma, where Andrew is raised.
At Age of 5, Andrew begins to train under his mother the Rogue and his father the Gladiator. He also learned to cook with his mother, eventually becoming a sufficient cook in his life.
At age of 10, Andrew’s father protects Viceroy Kaien and is given a reward. His father requests Andrew to be trained in the ways of the shinobi as his reward.
Viceroy Kaien accepts and Andrew is taken to Shinobi-no-Sato in Yanxia Mountains.
Due to being ostracized, Andrew researched the mudras for summoning to summon his lifelong friend/partner. The Lesser Red Panda, Natsu.
Andrew trains as a shinobi for 15 years in the village. Eventually becoming a Jonin, and rewarded with a Ninja Soul Crystal. He leaves the village and joins the Doman Resistance.
Andrew spends 8 years as a shinobi for the Doman Resistance, accomplishing many missions for them. As he worked from the shadows, his name was not known.
A summon hailing from Viceroy Kaien, Andrew was given a mission to search for the mysterious Adventurer who had beaten Gaius Van Baelsar in Preatorium.
Andrew travels to Aldenard and becomes an adventurer. Seeking information and the trails of the mysterious Adventurer has him traveling all over Aldenard.
Andrew would find another companion in his purchased Chocobo, Scuderia
Eventually uncovering the identity of the mysterious adventurer, the Warrior of Light.
Andrew meets Rostik in his travels, and learns the way of the Gunbreaker from him. Receiving the Soul Crystal, he continues on his journey.
Andrew would eventually catch up to the WoL and follow behind the Scions in their: liberation of Doma and Ala Mhigo, the fight against the Final Days.
Now the world is somewhat at peace. Andrew passes his days by; taking on requests as an Adventurer, enjoying the days with Natsu & Scuderia ………. Continuing to support the Scions from the shadows in their future adventures.
AdventurerAndrew loves taking on requests. Especially Creature hunts that have edible meats. But is open to various kinds of requests; Gathering, Travel Escort, Bodyguard. As long as he is capable, Andrew will take on requests.
TravellingFeeling the wind on his face, as he travels on Scuderia. Or just to the next town on his bike. Andrew loves enjoying the sites as he travels. If you need a companion on a journey, feel free to request him as a guard/escort.
Wild MeatsCooking from a young age, Andrew had found a passion for it. Particularly when it comes to meats of creatures out in the wild. If you are interested in these cuisines, he always welcomes the company to dine with him.
Evening DrinksAfter spending his day adventuring, Andrew frequents taverns, venues, lounges, clubs to let loose for the rest of the night. The drinking portion of it in particular. He always welcomes company, if there are any who can keep up with his drinking.
ShinobiStill well versed in his shinobi training, is open to take on requests that may require more subterfuge. He does draw a line at harming the innocent in his actions, so take care when requesting a job of this nature. As it may backfire, if requested with ill intent.
DomaTechnically born in Aldenard, Andrew spent most of his younger years growing up in Doma and the Yanxia mountains. So he connects closely to individuals of that region. Despite his love for travel, he does not frequent the far east. Causing a bit of home sickness.
Street StallsAndrew spends his days off wandering the city is located in. Together w/ Natsu, he can be found wandering the streets. Visiting vendors throughout the city, or simply enjoying a bite of street food here and there.
Scions FanBecause of his final mission from Viceroy Kaien, Andrew is very familiar with the Scions and the Warrior of Light. He has assisted them from the shadows many times, joining the ranks of soldiers when needed. Fascinated by them, he loves to share stories with individuals who are also fans of them. One white haired Miqo'te in particular.
-OOC Info-
Boundaries: I am not fond of overly darker themes affectinf my character (Drugs, psychological torture etc.), but not opposed to it happening in the world. If that is something you are interested in, please discuss with OOC before implementing them.
Positives & Negatives: I am open to discussions beforehand to talk about what we want from this session overall. As well as potential boundaries so that both parties have an enjoyable time.
Open Communication: Being newer to long-term RP activities, I hope that you can talk to me if there are any issues. This way I can correct them, and do my best to ensure that the session can keep progressing along in a positive manner.
Session Timing: If you are interested in RP-ing with me, please contact me with a /tell or on Discord. I may be able to hop in an impromptu session, but being able to schedule ahead of time will be better.
ERP: I enjoy eRP when it happens, especially when our Characters have chemistry or a story together. I will only eRP players of age. No exceptions.
God Modding: Doing things to or assuming reactions of my character should be kept at a minimum or discussed OOC first please.
Metagaming: All Info you get on my Characters in their profile is for OOC purposes, you can't know most of them IC unless they are shared through story.
IC≠OOC: Please do not confuse your character with yourself.
Hello Everyone!I have done the occasional short RP sessions and events in the 10 years playing this game, but never got the opportunity to truly dive into it. Looking forward to meeting new friends to experience the adventures of the RP world. Especially with the new expansion coming up. Please feel free to send me a message on Discord if interested. (Discord ID: akanome)
Where To Find Me: Aether, Sargatanas (Willing to travel to RP)
Time Zone: EST/EDT
Languages: English
Active Gaming Hours: More of a night owl, so generally on later in the day.
RP Platform: I have only RPed in game before, so it is preferred. Am willing to try/learn Discord RP, if that is the partner's preference.
RP Style: I will generally mirror my RP partner. I am capable of paragraph or short response styles. However, I do like to use in game emotes to show life to characters.
RP Themes: I enjoy all sort of themes, from short one-offs like a fight or casual chatter to long-term stories of adventure or romance. Light Themes welcome, Darker Themes are welcome based on the topic!
RP Verses: Be it as close to FFXIV Lore as possible, some Lore Bending or a complete AU, I am open to RP it, as long as it strikes me as interesting!
Romance: If the orientation and chemistry matches. I am ok with Romance occuring if the story / interaction leads in that direction.
Contact: I would like to keep in contact OOC especially with long-term RPs. To match play times and OOC scenario writing. I would also enjoy being friends with my potential RP partners.
Discord Contact: akanome